Why you should consider an analytics support model ASAP


Efficiency and cost advantages, paired with the empowerment of both your existing analytics team members and stakeholders, are just the tip of the iceberg.

Okay, so if you've been following us for long enough, you're probably well aware of how important we believe having the right data architecture and strategy is.

If you're new to the White Box website, the team here deliver bespoke data analytics solutions tailored to our clients needs - week in, week out.

In the 6+ years White Box has been running, we've come across a number of consistent patterns across our projects, despite the variety of requirements and solutions that are delivered.

One of those key patterns is the ongoing demand for support. This support is desired and extremely useful and valuable for a couple of strong reasons.

What is the value in, and why is there a growing demand for analytics support?

Firstly, if you find yourself with more data than you know what to do with, then you need to get on top of this incredibly valuable asset. Establishing the foundations for collecting, organising and using this data will help build your company into a forward-thinking, insight-driven, and most importantly, value-adding organisation. But like any great structure, once the foundations and structures are established, they often need maintenance and care to stay leading-edge and reflective of the current time period

It is extremely valuable having an immediate support function to administer relevant updates, changes and improvements to continually maintain and increase the effectiveness of the firm's data. All of this, when outsourcing the function to an analytics consultant like White Box, can be done in the background, quickly, and with best practise, so you can focus on the tasks and strategic initiatives that are of highest priority.

This leads into our second point, which is that many businesses have agile teams, meaning that they only have one data person. This person, either junior or senior in experience level, will often be left with the entire analytics stack to deal with - from reporting, to database maintenance, insight generation, troubleshooting and attending to a never-ending BAU list. Having White Box on-demand support means that your analytics’ capabilities would increase dramatically as you go from a one person model, to a team of data analysts, consultants, scientists and architects. Consider the oversimplified visual below showcasing the resources you would have access to, without directly paying for any individual person.

As you can see, a small businesses analytical capability would improve dramatically as the in-house analyst gets freed up for important in-house tasks, whereas the remainder of the work causing bottlenecks and slow insight generation is unlocked by a team of experts!

An analyst will always work better as part of a team, learning and bouncing ideas off colleagues, finding a solution much faster than by themselves.

Final thoughts

Taking on an analytics support model can improve your businesses ability to effectively manage and leverage data to its advantage. By establishing strong foundations at the start of a support relationship, your team members will be empowered to do important, business-related projects whilst leaving the administrative hassle of data management to a team of experts!


Interested in White Box Analytics’ support model? Start a conversation with us today to learn more about how we can empower your team.

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