Christmas - a time to watch TV?

The Christmas break offers so much - from family reunions, beach activities to stuffing ourselves with more food than would normally be appropriate.

With my origins from the UK, Christmas is cold outside, so movies and TV become a firm fixture of the holidays. Living in Australia, outside activities tend to take over but with some oddly cold weather at the moment (at least in Sydney), this post feels very appropriate.

If like me, you feel a bit overwhelmed by the choice of TV shows to watch, let’s use data to our advantage and make sure we cover off the biggest shows from the last few years!

I’ve whittled it down to 23 shows through some number crunching via the IMDB (a great source for movie and TV show reviews).

These 6 are the top picks but have a play with the interactive dashboard below to find your hidden holiday gem!


From all the White Box team - have a great festive break!

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