What is a White Box?

What is a white box white box data analytics sydney

One of the first things people ask us is what does White Box mean? What is a White Box? And to answer that, lets start with what it isn’t.

In data analytics, a black box is an output with no understanding of its inner workings. It’s kind of like when you’re trying to solve a complex problem, and somehow, you manage to get an answer, but you have no idea how you got there or what the answer means. Is that useful? Maybe if someone else knows what it means, but in most cases, without a fundamental understanding of the inner workings and processes, you’re no better off than when you started.

So, we finally get to the answer, which embodies what White Box represents as a business. A White Box occurs when the business understands the inputs and variables that contribute to the outcome. By developing a mature understanding of these factors, all businesses can better understand their data and use this understanding to improve their offerings, increase efficiencies and better measure and enhance the success of their operation.

If you feel like you’re struggling to find your White Box, send us a message, we work with a range of clients everyday, unlocking the potential of their data, and refining these findings into profitable solutions.

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