Who won the Melbourne Cup last year?


Can you remember? Most of us couldn’t. For such a big event, it can be very easy to forgot the details, unless of course you won big!

Every year we use the Melbourne Cup as an event to do some exploratory data analysis, visualisation and testing our skills to see if we can pick a winner (whilst having some fun in the process).

We have updated last years “test your skills” game with the 2019 results, so you can test your Melbourne Cup knowledge by (trying) to pick the winners from previous years…

Note: This version isn’t great for mobile, so click here for a better experience.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out, we’re here to support you!

Thumbnail Image sourced from https://www.punters.com.au/news/vow-and-declare-a-lightweight-cup-hope_184674/