Grocery Purchase Trends in the UK | Covid, Beer & Sausages


2020 will undoubtedly be the year we all remember as the one ravished by Covid-19…

As the year came to an end, we decided to put this small visualisation together, showcasing the biggest trends in grocery consumption in the UK as a result of the monumental shifts in lifestyles we have seen in response to protecting ourselves from the virus.

The first graph shows the greatest % changes. Hover over each item to see the actual change in £’s, and use the second tab to see the biggest actual increases and decreases in £’s in ranked order.



Beeeeeeer! It appears that residents of the UK markedly increased their consumption of beer, followed by sweet tooth favourites in Pepsi and Cadbury. Interestingly, sausages and chicken saw large rises in % terms…more at home cook-ups? Or does this reflect consumers shifting to cheaper cuts of meat in attempts to budget for future rainy days?

On the other end of the spectrum, the cosmetics and makeup industry took a £183 million hit, suggesting the population took much less notice of their appearance this year, even though video conferencing became the norm.


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