3 Reasons Why you should outsource a Data Consultant


Here are 3 reasons why Data Consultants can help you realise more value from your data.

1/ Can’t see the wood for the trees

When you are in the day to day of your business, it can be hard to take a step back and review how things should be organised. Having a consultancy audit, clean and organise your data will not only save you time, energy, and money, but it will also allow you to strategically lever your data assets in a way most suitable for your business. Data auditing and assessment is a key project we deliver for White Box clients.

Data Audit.gif

The above Gif is an example of conducting a basic data audit for a sample data set. It shows the descriptive statistics about the data set, as well as important information about missing cells, correlations, unique observations and more.

2/ Diverse experience brings best practice

Hiring a data consultancy means you are dealing with a team that have already been responsible for many projects across a number of industries and businesses. That means deliverables will be timely and efficient, but will also incorporate the best features from projects that have already been successfully completed and implemented.

You often hear about “failing fast” as a concept of best practice, so this is a major advantage of outsourcing to a data consultancy that have already gone through that process a number of times, so you don’t have to!

3/ Dedicated to a single goal

A common problem in many businesses is that their data analysts or scientists are key to every part of their operation, so they’re always being pulled in multiple directions at the same time. This means they get overwhelmed with BAU e.g. day-to-day tasks like reporting and have little time for value-adding projects. Outsourcing your data analytics projects means you have dedicated professionals working on your deliverables every day in a distraction-free environment.

We often work as “part of your team”, a way of allowing your team to still own the process and feel comfortable running things once the project is complete.


Need more convincing why hiring us as your data analytics consultant is the right choice? Check out our key services, case studies and/or reach out for a non-commitment based chat. We'd love to hear from you.


For more White Box data stories, look here or get in touch if you’d like to talk about how we might be able to help with your data strategy, reporting, business performance and anything else data related!