White Box Marketing Campaign
Bringing Power BI Solutions to Potential Future Clients
This project was conducted by the White Box team in order to test our strategic marketing skills and better understand any potential pain points for our clients when it comes to conducting lead and business generation strategies.
The aim for us was to:
Use our analytical skills to segment a list of potential clients who’ve previously expressed interest in services we provide
Use best-practice marketing tactics to generate interest in White Box and it’s solutions
Deliver personalised communication by using dynamic variables relating to the specific person, business and industry of the prospect we were targeting
Establish landing pages in line with the core value proposition of the campaign to create a frictionless experience for those clients looking to find out more about how we can help them
Understand pain points our clients have with Martech implementation
Tools we used:
HubSpot’s CRM for email (including follow-ups based on conditional triggers), and list uploads & extraction.
Excel for list cleaning, manipulation and analysis
White Box’s website for landing pages and capturing leads within the marketing funnel
Power BI (used to showcase our solutions in their visual format)
Our main objectives for this campaign were to:
Convert 1+ prospect into a client
Better understand prospect intentions for Microsoft Power BI related services so we can better communicate our offering to the market
Understanding the Data
Our prospect list was very rich in data attributes. This high quality data was new, and gave our team insight into the types of industries and roles that were commonly interested in Power BI and its related services.
Our data existed in one, well structured table, which is often a problem for a number of businesses as they try to piece their data sources together to generate some sort of Single Customer View (SCV). Having a SCV is extremely powerful for identifying simple yet compelling preliminary insights about the data you have available to drive your campaign, and without this type of view (even if it’s a very simplistic one) you will struggle to establish the building blocks necessary to really personalise and resonate with your clients (read more about a SCV and how a CDP can help here).
Within this stage, we identified prospects’ industry, as well as their firm size (in terms of actual number of employees) to be strong variables to segment our list of prospects.
The Process - achieving objectives
List Segmentation and Labeling
We segmented the prospect list down into 4 main groups based around key industries. First steps are to clean and understand the data, ensuring all of the necessary data sources and variables are being used, and correctly structured, so we are using quality data in any modelling and outputs produced.
The lists were then uploaded into our CRM, and appropriately tagged for identification and sorting purposes.
Email Personalisation, Testing, and Follow-Up Strategy
For our email campaign, we incorporated personalised variables which were used as dynamic fields in the email, including first name, business name and industry. This enabled us to better speak to our prospects in a personalised manner, and incorporate a message that would more accurately reflect some of the pain points we have seen from previous clients in the same industries.
Our emails also incorporated A/B tests across lists in regards to subject lines and calls-to-action within the body of the email.
List 2 had significantly higher open rates than the other lists.
Interestingly, when comparing lists 2 (highest open rate) and list 3, the subject lines varied ever so slightly. Assuming the recipient is called Tom, they read -
List 2 - Tom, are you getting the most out of your Power BI solution?
List 3 - Tom, can we help you get the most out of your Power BI solution?
Possible explanations?
Potential clients don’t care about us, they only care about what value you can provide to them. ‘We’ rather than ‘you’ may make a pitch feel more salesy, deterring them from opening and engaging.
Sampling bias - our lists were approximately 150 prospects in size, so the selected people may have coincidentally been more open to engaging with such an email.
Each of the emails received relatively similar engagement rates, with some specific prospects opening the email up to 5 times.
This was true for the original email and each of its sub-lists.
The power of our segmentation, however, was realized in the follow-up emails for both the ‘opened email’ list, and the ‘did not open email’ list. In each of these touchpoints, we had some specific prospects from multiple industries engaging with the email up to 19 times, showing their interest in the offer. This demonstrated to us that it’s always worthwhile refining your lists as you communicate with potential future clients to engage them in a language more reflective of their propensity to engage with the solution you’re providing them, and subsequently demonstrating your brands empathy and willingness to help in a manner best suited to that particular client.
Results & Outcomes
Having built out our Power BI consulting landing page, we have seen over 80 unique visitors to the page since its inception. The average visitor to the page spends over 1 minute engaging with its content, and the page has a 0% bounce rate, indicating that we are capturing potential clients who are interested in Power BI related solutions.
The build-out of our Power BI offering to the market has enabled us to increase our inquiry rate into related solution significantly, increased clients onboarded for project and consultative work, as well as established prospects we can follow-up with in future about becoming potential partners.
This was a great exercise for us to better understand the issues many of our clients face when bridging the gap between the technical outputs of data analytics, and the tactical use of insights gained from those outputs.
Every client of ours uses different CRM and marketing campaign tools and touchpoints (eDM, mobile, web, brochure), stores their data in different ways and uses these important assets in very different ways. At White Box, we pride ourselves on our adaptability to the diverse assortment of tools our clients use and our experienced team is always able to find a great solution that often exceeds project expectations.
For a chat about your data strategy, get in touch with any questions, give us a call, or inquire about a strategy consultation with our Senior team.
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