Save Time using Power Automate with Power BI


Automation has become a key element of data analytics, enabling organisations to streamline workflows. By integrating Power BI with Power Automate, you can optimise your reporting processes, eliminate repetitive tasks, and focus on more strategic decision-making. In this article, we’ll explore practical examples to get you started.

Why Automate Power BI Reports?

person receiving dashboard on a computer

The typical reporting process in many organisations involves manual data updates, exporting reports, and sending them to relevant stakeholders. This can be time-consuming and prone to human error, especially if reports are needed frequently. With Power Automate, you can automate these repetitive tasks, ensuring that your Power BI reports are up-to-date and distributed automatically.

Key benefits of automating Power BI reports with Power Automate include:

  • Time savings: Automating report distribution frees up time that would otherwise be spent on repetitive tasks. This means data analysts can focus on more important value-added work.

  • Consistency and accuracy: By reducing manual intervention, automation minimises errors and ensures that stakeholders receive consistent, accurate reports.

  • Timely updates: Power Automate allows you to set up workflows that trigger based on data changes, ensuring your reports reflect the latest information.  

  • Improved collaboration: Automated report distribution keeps all relevant stakeholders informed, enhancing collaboration across teams without requiring constant manual effort.

Getting Started

Power Automate is a cloud-based service that allows you to create automated workflows between your apps and services. When connected to Power BI, it helps in automating various tasks such as data refresh, report distribution, and notifications.

Here’s a basic workflow of how Power Automate integrates with Power BI:

  1. Trigger an action: A trigger starts the workflow. In the case of Power BI, a trigger could be a scheduled time, a change in data, or an action taken by a user (e.g. clicking a button).

  2. Define the action: Once triggered, Power Automate carries out the predefined actions, such as refreshing data, exporting reports, or sending an email with the latest report attached.

  3. Output and delivery: Finally, the automated flow delivers the results, e.g. a refreshed dashboard, updated dataset, or report sent to a stakeholder.

Popular Use Cases for Power BI and Power Automate

1. Scheduled Report Distribution

One of the most common uses of Power Automate with Power BI is automating the distribution of scheduled reports. For example, you can set up a flow that emails a Power BI report as a PDF to a list of recipients every Monday morning. This is particularly useful for weekly performance reports, sales updates, or any recurring reports that need to be consistently delivered on time.

How to Set It Up:

  • Use Power Automate to create a new flow with a scheduled trigger (e.g., every Monday at 8 AM).

  • Add an action to export the Power BI report as a PDF or Excel file.

  • Add another action to send an email with the exported report attached.

This straightforward automation ensures that your team receives updated insights without needing to wait for manual intervention.

2. Real-time Alerts Based on Data Changes

In fast-paced environments, waiting for the next scheduled report may not be sufficient. For example, a sales manager may want to be notified when sales drop below a certain threshold. With Power Automate, you can set up real-time alerts based on data changes in Power BI.

How to Set It Up:

  • Create a flow triggered by a Power BI data alert (set in the Power BI service based on a threshold condition).

  • Define actions like sending an email, a Teams message, or a mobile push notification when the alert is triggered.

This approach keeps your team proactive, enabling immediate responses to critical data changes.

3. Automating Data Refresh and Updates

Up to date data is crucial for making timely decisions. Power Automate can help by automating the refresh of Power BI datasets and reports, ensuring your visuals always reflect the latest available data.

How to Set It Up:

  • Set up a flow that triggers dataset refreshes on a schedule that suits your needs (e.g. hourly, daily).

  • You can also trigger a refresh based on actions from other connected apps, such as data uploads to OneDrive or SharePoint.

Automating data refreshes ensures that your Power BI reports are always up to date without manual data loads.


Key Considerations and Best Practice

While automating Power BI reports with Power Automate brings numerous benefits, it’s essential to keep a few considerations in mind:

  1. Permissions and Data Security: Ensure that automated flows respect data security and permissions. Only authorised users should have access to sensitive reports.

  2. Performance Impact: Automated refreshes can put a load on your Power BI service. Monitor performance to ensure that scheduled refreshes do not impact overall system efficiency.  

  3. Error Handling: Set up error-handling steps in your flows, such as notifications when a report fails to generate or deliver, so issues can be promptly addressed.

  4. Licensing: Not all features, e.g. unlimited refresh, are available on the Power BI Pro licence typically held by many businesses.


Automating Power BI reports with Power Automate offers a practical way to streamline your reporting processes, contributing to your business objectives of being agile and data-driven. Automation replaces manual intervention and saves time, allowing you to unlock your data’s potential with greatly reduced touch.

Lachlan McKenzie