Scientist Climate Change Appeal | Article Analysis

climate change data analysis sydney

There is no denying the evidence for climate change. But just how dire is the current environmental situation and are there mechanisms being put in place to curb these impacts?

climate change appeal scientists data analysis sydney

The image above displays the consistent rise in deviations above the global mean land and sea temperature average. The World Economic Forum discuss how 11,000 scientists recently came together to co-sign a letter in the journal BioScience as a result of these types of evidence, warning that further neglect can and will cause irreversible chain reaction events. Despite this evidence, graphs like these need to be taken with a grain of salt. As data scientists we know that correlation doesn’t always imply causation, but the seemingly exponential rise in global temperatures and global populations increased consumption of carbon based products and land clearing are very strong signs that we are in fact inducing a potential future catastrophe.

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